Quetzaltenango Guatemala

Quetzaltenango Guatemala

8.22.16 New Companion...Changes

Hey everyone it's pouring rain right now and we are running around so that my comp can say goodbye to everyone before he goes home! THis week we had 2 new people in church which was awesome, we also had 2 less active families in church which was so sick. Our attendance in church was 132, the highest in about a month which is good. We are super healthy, but super tired. Oh and about 7 months ago My comp and I reactivated a 21 year old inactive kid in Las flores, and TOMORROW he leaves on the mission!!!!! So stoked for him!!!!=) His name is Joseph and he is going to serve in Bolivia Cochabamba!!pics below

My comp says it's time to go, haha i didn't even have time to read all of the emails that are in my inbox, but oh well that's fine. Next week I will have more time and i'll have more pics to show you guys, have an awesome week and know that I love you and pray for you all the time. The church is true, the gospel is true, and i've only got 1 change left, haha but let's not focus on that. Well, have an awesome week, see you on monday.


ELder McLeod