Hey everyone how's it going!!! Well big news, Elder Riley is not going to kill me, he had emergency changes Sunday afternoon! He got called to huehue to train some new gringo, I'm super happy for him cuz its his time to take to lead. He is an awesome missionary and I know that he is gonna kill it!
Ya so I have my new last comp, his name is Elder Foster, he is from Salt Lake City and is super cool. He is a big football/ baseball player and he also loves hunting! He is one of my past comps kids, so i've heard some pretty good things about him. He has got 15 months in the mish, so he's got some experience and is a good teacher. The guy is super fun, I know that we are gonna get along real well and that we are gonna kill it together these last 3 weeks.
This week Indyra and Patty both came to church again which was sick, they are progressing well and will be baptized......... when, i'm not sure, but they WILL get baptized.
This week we contacted an older lady who did not want to talk to us, but after a little bit of casaquiando, she actually let us come back last night. We talked a bunch with her and she admitted that she is catholic but does not go, nor does she want to go. She told us that when she was little she was close to being baptized, and she showed us her book of mormon.......her 1st book of mormon.........from the 60s......... its blue bro!!
And I told her how sick it was, so she said to me, Well since you appreciate it more than I do, take it, it's yours.

I died, it's so beautiful. We will keep teaching her to see what happens. We also found a new family this week just by contacting, it is made up of a bunch of less actives who are super nice, tonight we are going to meet with them and I'm stoked!
We are probably gonna drop Carolina. She isn't progressing at all and really doesn't want to read/pray/do anything related to God. We will see what happens, this week will be her test cuz we have given her like 10 last chances but she never ever acts. We pray that we can make the right decision.
Well it looks like i've only got about 3 p days left! ITs insane but inevitable. Im excited, but working hard still dont worry. I know that i'm where I need to be, and I know that I'll be here doing what i'm supposed to be doing until october 4th. I'm gonna take advantage of the time that I've got left, I love the mish and I can't wait to tell my kids all about it one day.
Love you guys, stay strong, keep being righteous and have a great week!
Love you guys, stay strong, keep being righteous and have a great week!
Elder McLeod