Quetzaltenango Guatemala

Quetzaltenango Guatemala

6.27.17 A Week With Awesome News

Hey everyone how's it going! Looks like another week has come and gone, super quickly. I'm here in Calvario still, I love it here, and I think that I'm going to finish up the mish here. Haha this morning the secretaries sent me my travel info.............. what the heck, I try not to think about what that means, but all good things must come to an end. My flight is october 6th, but that's way down the road so we will have time to discuss that later. So, this week was actually pretty interesting for us, we don't have a whole lot of time, but i'll give you some bullet points on what went down.

  • A tornado formed here in the middle of Xela!! It would have been the first in the history of Xela, but it didn't touch the ground, but it got super close! If a tornado were to touch down there would be some major destruction here considering how many houses are made just out of dried mud. Haha and Xela is a bowl, surrounded by mountains so a Tornado would not be too good of a thing to have here.
  • This week one of our super investigators from ixtahuacan got baptized!! IT is a great feeling to know that you contacted someone in the street that then read the book of mormon and gained a testimony and got baptized!! Pics below!
  • We put some baptism dates this week with 2 people, tonight we are putting another, #onfire.
  • My comp is now going to start the workout program/diet that i've been doing, i've already seen a 9 pound increase!!! We get up at 6 am every day, it's super hard, but there is a ton of motivation!
  • we discovered a hidden section of neighborhood that was previously part of another area but a recent boundary change gave  us another neighborhood! It's got about 30 houses in it, perfect for new families!
  • we are healthy and working hard
  • This week my comp and I cooked chow mein, but like amazing chow mein. It was awesome.
  • We are running low on time, i love you guys a ton, have an awesome week, study the scriptures/talks of the old prophets and apostles!

Elder McLeod